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Diasporas in Mexico

Discover the rich tapestry of diasporas in Mexico, from the Lebanese to the Chinese, and beyond, as you explore their histories, contributions, and cultural legacies.


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This guide focuses on lesser known diasporas in Mexico. 

                            For further reading, here is an article looking at Mexico's melting pot.

Diaspora refers to the dispersion or migration of a particular group or community from their original homeland to different parts of the world. It involves the scattering of people who share common cultural, ethnic, or national origins and typically occurs due to various factors such as economic, political, or social reasons.

Diasporas often maintain connections and identities rooted in their ancestral homeland while simultaneously adapting to and influencing the cultures and societies of their new locations.

Mexico has a diverse ethnic makeup, with the majority of the population identifying as mestizo. However, it is important to note that ethnic identity in Mexico is multifaceted and encompasses a range of Indigenous, European, African, and other ancestral backgrounds. Here is an overview of the major ethnic groups in Mexico:

  1. Mestizo: Mestizos are the largest ethnic group in Mexico, representing the majority of the population. They are descendants of a mix of Indigenous peoples and Europeans, primarily Spanish.

  2. Indigenous Peoples: Mexico is home to a rich diversity of Indigenous peoples, with over 60 recognized Indigenous groups. These include the Nahua, Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, Otomí, Totonac, and many others. Indigenous populations can be found throughout the country, with varying degrees of cultural preservation and influence.

  3. Afro-Mexicans: Descendants of African slaves who were brought to Mexico during the colonial period, Afro-Mexicans are a minority ethnic group. They have made significant contributions to Mexican culture, particularly in regions such as Veracruz, Guerrero, Oaxaca, and the Costa Chica region.

  4. European: Mexico also has a population of individuals with European ancestry, including those of Spanish, Italian, French, and German descent.

  5. Other Ancestral Backgrounds: There are smaller communities of individuals with Middle Eastern and Asian backgrounds.

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